
tpbradley avatar image
tpbradley asked

ESS Schedules don't take daylight saving into account

Hi all,

I'm in the UK and have a Cerbo GX (firmware v2.92) configured with a timezone of GMT Standard Time. The UK has just moved over to BST and you can see from the screenshot that the correct local time is shown.


However, the ESS schedules appear to be using UTC time which is an hour off. Is this a known issue or could I be missing a setting somewhere?

It would be so much easier if I could set the ESS schedule based on the current local time.



ESSscheduled charge
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


GMT and UTC are pretty much the same/similar standard

It the charge not starting at the correct time or not ending at the correct time?

And by correct time if you set for example 8am it does not start then but later by one hour or earlier by one hour?

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tpbradley avatar image tpbradley Alexandra ♦ commented ·

I had a feeling GMT and UTC were pretty much the same. If I try to change the timezone, I move into the Europe submenu and then choose GMT (Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London)

It's the charge start time that's incorrect. If I want to charge for 1 hour starting at 08:00 BST, I need to set the schedule to 07:00 with a duration of 01:00.

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7 Answers
tpbradley avatar image
tpbradley answered ·

Oh hah, so you did.

The problem has been resolved! Installing the latest firmware v2.93 has resolved this problem for me. The ESS schedule start time now matches local time (BST).

Thanks everyone for your help.

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subby28 avatar image
subby28 answered ·

I had this issue last year, but for some reason my scheduled charging now uses local time correctly. Is your assistant up to date? As i think that's the only thing i have updated. I don't think i've updated the actual firmware version.

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tpbradley avatar image
tpbradley answered ·

Ah yes, I should have mentioned this earlier. It's a 3 month old install and Cerbo GX firmware is v2.92. I've updated the initial post with this. Were you referring to the Cerbo GX when you mentioned "assistant"? I know there are assistants in the MultiPlus II but I don't think these have anything to do with the schedules.

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subby28 avatar image
subby28 answered ·

Have you downloaded the config file in VRM and updated the actual ESS assistantin VEConfig ?

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tpbradley avatar image
tpbradley answered ·

Yes, when the system was installed the MultiPlus II was updated to the latest firmware 498 and the ESS assistant was setup.

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tpbradley avatar image
tpbradley answered ·

Oh! I've just noticed this listed in the Venus OS 2.93 update. I'll find a time to update the Cerbo soon and report back, fingers crossed this does the trick!

  • Fix timezone bug related to ESS Scheduled Charging: after changing the time zone, a reboot was required to make that use the new time zone. Bug was introduced in v2.80. Thank you Patrick M. for your help on this!
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strix avatar image strix commented ·
It seems it's still not fixed in v3.14. I will post a new thread and link this one.
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johnone avatar image
johnone answered ·

Asked the very same question here earlier today...
... conspicuous silence from the experts on here. Would seem it's an example of flaky Victron software we're supposed to just accept.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
In case you're unaware, most of the help given here is from unpaid volunteers like myself. Comments like this do not encourage us to respond. Especially to areas of the system that we have no knowledge of. If you want official support it's through your dealer. But remember that RPi software is supplied free, as is, without any support from Victron.

But at first glance it looks as if the problem is already resolved, but is waiting for you to update your system.
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Related Resources

What is ESS training video

ESS Quick Installation Guide

ESS design and installation manual

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic