
joshua Richard Sabuni avatar image
joshua Richard Sabuni asked

How to Limit Battery Discharge and Use Grid Power with Victron Quattro and Fronius Inverter?

Hi everyone,

I have a 21hp maize mill machine connected to three 8kVA Victron Quattro inverters and a 15kVA Fronius Symo inverter. I recently installed a grid connection and a grid smart meter (EM24). My battery storage consists of 600Ah lead-acid batteries, and I've set the minimum state of charge (SOC) to 70% unless the grid fails.

My issue is that when solar energy is low but the grid is available, the Quattros draw more than 60A from the batteries, which is bad for the battery health. I want to ensure that when there isn't enough solar power from the Fronius inverter, the Quattros only take a maximum of 60A from the battery, and the rest should come from the grid.

Here's what I've done so far:

  1. Enabled ESS mode in the VictronConnect app.
  2. Set the minimum SOC to 70%.
  3. Installed the EM24 smart meter at the grid connection p
  4. oint.

How can I configure the system to limit the battery discharge to 60A and draw the additional power needed from the grid? Any detailed steps or settings adjustments would be greatly appreciated!


inverter current draw
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2 Answers
markus-001 avatar image
markus-001 answered ·

Install the large image, then use node red to tie the maximum inverter power in the ESS to the total PV power plus the additional battery power of 60 amp x 48 volt = 2880w. Then use a filter to slow down the maximum inverter power update to 60 seconds.

Divide the result by 50 then round down the result using Math.floor then multiply by 50 again. Now the resulting payload or number will increment in steps of 50 watts.

Hope this helps, I use this exact formula to do something similar just with a dashboard and a lot more extras.


Off set values, being the 2880w value

using a time schedule to apply different off set values

Maximum Demand assist from batteries etc.

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joshua Richard Sabuni avatar image joshua Richard Sabuni commented ·
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markus-001 avatar image
markus-001 answered ·

Settings -> Firmware -> Online updates then select image type. change from Standard to Large

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