
serpa4 avatar image
serpa4 asked

Boat inverter and charger needed to work with generator. AC input 60hz vs. boat on 50hz.

My European boat inverter and charger work with 230v 50hz generator and shore power. The AC input at the US marina is 60hz vs. boat wired/setup for 50hz. The marina will convert the 110v 60hz to 220v at 60hz. I have 3 air conditioners, washing machine, and a lot of appliances.

I need a new inverter for my boat as it is only 2000 watt and I'd like to cook with two inductive ranges at max of 1800 watts each. I know I cannot use both cook tops at 1800 watts at the same time. However, 2000 watts it too low. Also the boat's separate battery charger is 40 amps (230v 50hz). I'd like to have 100 amps or more.

If I plug in a quatro or multi-plus, I head they will simply pass through the Hz. So I could not plug in appliances in my boat that are 50hz and expect them to run off shore power at 60 hz.

I've considered a Centaur charger to take universal input and charge the batteries; 1000Ahr. Good there.

Then get a separate inverter. The Phoenix would then power my boat off the batteries and output whatever I set the phoenix for 230v at 50hz.

However, the boat has 3 Air Conditioners. The Phoenix cannot power 3 AC. So even if I'm plugged in at 50 amps 220v 60hz, I cannot run my 230v 50hz AC units.

How can I make it work or what do I need to purchase?

inverter current draw
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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

A soft start unit like MicroAir would substantially decrease startup surge.

You could also parallel up a couple inverters

2 |3000

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