
burton4290 avatar image
burton4290 asked

Using assistant to ignore AC input based on load not functioning correctly

Im having some issues with my multiplus not performing exactly how setup in VE Config. I have an assistant to ignore the AC input when the AC loads are below 2400 watts for 10 seconds. I have it set to USE the AC input when AC loads exceed 2400 watts for 10 seconds.

The problem im having is it is only ignoring the AC input until it exceeds around 1500 watts for 10 seconds. The two values are not matching up. I initially assumed it was connecting the AC input due to a brief spike in loads over the 2400 threshold. The problem is when i look at VRM, my AC input will still be connected but my AC loads are showing only 1300 watts consistently. Even after half an hour holding steady at 1300 watts, the AC input is still connected. It will not disconnect until the wattages shown on VRM drops below around 1000 watts. This is way different than the settings I've got in the assistant.

What am i missing?

multipluss ii
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1 Answer
cardy01 avatar image
cardy01 answered ·

Have you tried using the same logic using the Dedicated Ignore AC virtual switch to see if you get a different result?

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burton4290 avatar image burton4290 commented ·
I have not as I also use the same assistant to ignore ac input based on battery SOC. It appears I can’t do both with the virtual switch
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cardy01 avatar image cardy01 burton4290 commented ·
If you use the AC Ignore VS you could establish that the power levels operate correctly ... if so then maybe the SOC logic in your assistant causes a conflict?
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