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ddutton asked

Grounding and neutral bond

I have a 24 v multiple plus II with 3 victron charge controllers. As I understand it my Honda eu7000is when running is neutral bonded, a ground is driven in the ground and attached to the frame of the gen. When running a relay in the multiplus bypasses the neutraul bond in the multi to avoid a ground loop with the generator. When the gen stops power is supplied by multi which is neutral bonded. Copper pipe driven in ground and attached to ground in multiplus case. Can I attach the AC fuse panel to the same ground, panel is not neutral bonded. Can I also attach the ground terminal on the charge controlers to the same ground?

GeneratorGroundingmultipluss ii
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offroadflow avatar image offroadflow commented ·
Solar charger negative must never be connected to the ground. Only the casing.

Generator is automatically grounded through the power cable (if done correctly), no need for extra grounding.

Inverters ground relay should be ON to have a neutral.

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