
dutchsolarfreak avatar image
dutchsolarfreak asked

Two identical Multiplus II in parallel with different AC current limit settings

I have a question regarding running two identical MP in parallel (on a 230 single phase) with two different AC current limits.


One MP has a limit of 16A and the second a limit of 10A (both not overurlled by remote)

The second MP is used only for discharging so inverter only. I don't need the charging functionality.

If a standard MP parallel set-up is not possible is it possible to set-up the second MP as a "inverter power assist generator" ?

So the second MP only kicks in when the requested power is higher than 3000W?

Multiplus-IImultiplus in parallel
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2 Answers
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

When configured in parallel, you shouldn't think of them as separate inverters. They're basically one big inverter. With few exceptions, they should be configured identically.

If you were to "series" them, i.e., remove them from parallel operation, feed AC in to inverter 1. Inverter 1 output to inverter 2 input, then you could configure inverter 2 to powerassist inverter 1.

Unfortunately, in this case, you could only have one connected to your GX device.

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dutchsolarfreak avatar image dutchsolarfreak commented ·

Thanks that make sense.

I understand now that in case of two MP's, configured in parallel or 3 MP's in a 3 phase configuration the MP's are treated as one.

But wouldn't it be nice if there was a possibility to adjust the load balance between the two MP's with a fixed ratio other than 50/50? For example 60/40. Or in a 3 phase config 40/30/30.

I can imagine situations where this would be useful. For example if you always have a higher load on L1 and you don't want to feed-in on L2 and L3

or in my case MP 1 needs to be limited to 16A and MP 2 needs to be limited to 12A because of the available AC lines.

Or do I miss something here?

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dutchsolarfreak avatar image dutchsolarfreak commented ·

The disadvantage of series is that all power/current is flowing on the same line.

I would like to divide this on two lines.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

In a parallel set, the AC limit of the master is used and multiplied by the number of systems.

Setting them differently will make no difference.

This is documented in the setup guide.

1 comment
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dutchsolarfreak avatar image dutchsolarfreak commented ·

"Setting them differently will make no difference."

Unfortonatley not. But wouldn't it be nice if we could?

Are there any issues when this could be possible?

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