
steffend1707 avatar image
steffend1707 asked

2 Offgrid Systems connected to one Cerbo and Battery

Hi, i have a litte Problem ....
I have not seen before purchase, that the MP2 8k and 10k can not Operate in parallel mode :-(

I have the following Situation:
2 Holyday Homes... both have their own Fusebox and are connected to my MP2 10k (Offgrid)
I figured out that i could get overloads because the Peak consumption each Holyday Home is up to 7kw.

I Prefer to Split this 2 Holyday Homes to 2x MP2 10k (one for each Home)

This is Possible running the 2nd MP2 10k absolutely Standalone...

BUT i want do see the Consumtion on the Same Cerbo as well ... as L2 or whatever
(even it is logically a L1 + L1 szenario) i dont care how but the 2nd MP2 needs Battery informations for some Assists as well.

It this Possible and how to proceed ?
I have seen something with Dual phase 120 180 240 but i need 2x separated 230v ....
2x Single phase would be nice haha :-)

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3 Answers
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @steffend1707

I'm curious to hear if others have solved this. It's something I would like to see if there's an ideal solution for.

Here's my guesses (but they are very much guesses), I'll lurk in this topic see if anyone else has the ideal soution:

  1. You have a third cerbo and write custom code that just takes the sum of the values posted to the two "sub cerbos" MQTT topics and writes it to this third "central virtual cerbo". And that third cerbo isn't physically connected to any device but it's tricked into thinking it is. Might have to get creative with adding custom drivers for each physical device to trick it into thinking there is one.
  2. You have two 10kva in parallel in central locations and run legs to holiday homes (if they have solar on their roof just AC couple it and run data/ethernet back to central location.
  3. You have a custom system for monitoring that aggregates the data. Something like grafana/influxdb. That takes the data from each cerbo and aggregates similar to the first option but not using VRM.

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Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

Generally it IS possible.

Hollyday Home in Estonia with 200kWh Battery a CerboGX and 5 SmartSolar MPPT 250/100-Tr VE.Can and one MultiPlus 48/10000 connected direct.

8 MultiPlus-II 48/5000 and for each one a SmartShunt configured as EnergyMeter.

With this, the CerboGX see the 8 MultiPlus-II as DC loads and all is fine.

Oh, each Hollyday Home got also a small SmartSolar MPPT 150/35-Tr (3x410Wp) connected directly to the free DC Bolts of the MultiPlus-II to compensate the self consumption.

Oh, he is running to each Holyday Home a 2x 100mm2 Aluminium cable and the Voltage drop is around 4V, if the SmartSolar is not working.

However, it works perfect like on my (experimental) Farm, which is even 24V DC powered over longer distances of up to 160m.

Note: There was not other option, e.G. installing 2-4 Quattros 48/15000 in parallel and then using only 230V earth cables, because he had not the money to install all in one go, but added year by year Holyday Homes.

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The second inverter can connect to the same GX but there is no control over it. But you can see information from it in the vrm and under the devices list.

The other way is to have two cerbos and make one node red dashboard for all information from bothe systems in one place. Easy to do if they are on the same WiFi network.

A another way is with a three phase energy meter and that will show up like L1 L2...

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