
laurent35 avatar image
laurent35 asked

Orion XS input-ouput bypass for emergency

To intended system will use the Orion XS (50A) as a DC-DC charger for LiFePO4 batteries with lead batteries for engine start and bow thruster. In case of emergency can I bypass the Orion to start the engine from the LiFePO4 ?

orion xs
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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@laurent35 Some thoughts.

The batteries BMS might not handle the starting current.

The orion's existing cabling and fuses will not handle the starting current.

In an emergency grab some jumper cables? Somewhat risky. Do be careful....

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laurent35 avatar image laurent35 commented ·

The plan is to install 2x200Ah batteries with each equipped with a 200A BMS, so a peak draw of at least 400A, probably more on a transient basis. To crank up a 1.6kW starter that should be enough.

Cables shall be sized accordingly.

Obviously, I understand that 150A cannot go through the Orion XS, the intention is to implement a bypass switch to be closed in case the battery level is too low. That would electrically equivalent to jumper cables but safer.

The question that is to be answered is the effect of short circuiting the Orion In and Out for a short period will be detrimental for the device or not. I have seen an answer concerning another variant of the Orion (Orion-Tr Smart), but for the XS.

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marek-baus avatar image
marek-baus answered ·


I also want add bypass to connect battery directry to altrnator by high current relay.

From technical side for schort term can I connect input and output Orion XS and it not will be damaged.

Please help

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