
david-p avatar image
david-p asked

MPPT 100/50 Sometimes won't start charging in the morning


I have two PV Strings - 1 connected to a SmartSolar 100/20 and the other (larger) string connected to a SmartSolar 100/50. Whilst the 100/20 works perfectly well, the 100/50 controller occasionally does not restart charging in the morning. This may happen once every 5 to 10 days. I can get it going again by turning charging off then on and all will work fine until next time. If it does not start and I leave it not charging, then it may start charging again the following morning! There doesn't appear to be any consistency as to when it might not start charging.

I reckon this started happening after a firmware upgrade about 3 or 4 updates ago. Each time I try to update to a newly released version I hope that it will fix the issue - but unfortunately not. It used to work perfectly fine for over a year. Both units are configured with exactly the same settings.

Is anybody else getting the same issues? Any suggestions?



smart solar charging behaviour
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Hi @david-p

i've tried to email you but it bounced, is there an address where I can reach you?

you can set your reply to be only visible to admins to not expose your email address

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13 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@david-p it sounds like your PV voltage might not be high enough tfor the mppt to start charging the battery.

Post a screenshot of the mppt's detailed history, and charge settings.

Specs of your solar panels would be useful.

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david-p avatar image
david-p answered ·

Thanks for the quick response. Here is a screenshot of when I was on holidays and didn't restart the charging. As you can see there is plenty of PV voltage. The unit started charging by itself the next day.1715063196502.png

Here are the charge settings:


Also please note that if the unit is not charging, I flick the 'Charge Enabled' button off then on and it immediately starts charging so I suggest it would not be a low PV issue.

For the panels in this string, there are 6 x 150w in a 3 parallel lots of 2 panels connected in series (if that makes sense!) They are fairly old panels.

Let me know if you require more info.



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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @david-p,

Apologies for the issue and thanks for the detailed report, I've asked R&D to have a look at your post.

We recently release firmware v1.64 to address a similar issue with the smaller models -

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david-p avatar image david-p commented ·

Great, thanks @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) . Looking at the fix for the 100/20, it certainly looks like it may fix the issue with the 100/50. I look forward to trying the fix when it comes through.



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benoit-lamy avatar image
benoit-lamy answered ·

I have the same issue. I have 2 string of 3 x 190 watts panel each connected in series. 1 string is connected to a 100/30 no issues, and 1 string connected to a 100/50. I have no issues with the 100/30, but the 100/50 sometime not always goes into Wakeup mode and will not charge until I turn charging Off and then On. Hope the next firmware update fixes this issue.


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Hi @Benoit Lamy

Which firmware version are you running now?

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david-p avatar image
david-p answered ·

Hi @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ,

I upgraded the firmware yesterday to 1.64 on both the 100/20 and 100/50 units with fingers crossed. The 100/20 woke up this morning fine with no issues but unfortunately, the 100/50 failed to start charging. Once I disabled / enabled charging, it started to work fine. It was a bit foggy this morning so not a lot of sun. I left it for a few hours but still no go until I restarted. FYI The V max on the History screen shows 83.39V and the Voltage just before I restarted was 77.34V.

Please let me know if you require any further info.



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benoit-lamy avatar image
benoit-lamy answered ·

This morning my 100/50 MPPT was in Wakeup mode again. I had to turn charging off and back on. Started working again.


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neptuneuk avatar image
neptuneuk answered ·

HI @Benoit Lamy and @david-p

Strange question but what is the morning temperature of where your MPPT are installed? Like within 12 inches of them?

Then check to your low temperature cutoff setting and see if it's enabled.

If enabled turn it off and see what happens or set higher low temp cutoff for testing.

Probably not this given time of year, but......................

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benoit-lamy avatar image benoit-lamy commented ·

I live in Ottawa Canada and the temp this morning was 15 degree Celsius.

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neptuneuk avatar image neptuneuk benoit-lamy commented ·

OK, rules out the low temp cutoff, unless it's set higher than that!

I have 3 x 100/50 all running FW 1.64.

Currently I am not experiencing any issues.

1.) Did you try enabling and disabling the low temperature cutoff in the Victron Connect app?

2.) Was the temp measured at the MPPT?

3.) What time was the temperature recorded?

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benoit-lamy avatar image benoit-lamy neptuneuk commented ·
I dont believe it is temp related, I also have a Victron battery sense module, and according to the documentation, because all of my equipment is in network mode it should receive the temp from the battery sense module. Also my 100/30 does not have this issue.
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jetlag avatar image jetlag benoit-lamy commented ·

But exactly this combination with the smart battery sense does (or better to say, did) such isses in the past. A few people, including me, faced such issues, that sometime the MPPT did not start in the morning.

In such a case my MPPT charger showed either -18°C, or even -273°C although the smart battery sense itself reported e.g. +18°C. So there was somewhere a mismatch in the protocoll or what...

But then, some day, it was just gone...

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david-p avatar image
david-p answered ·

Hi @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ,

Any update on this issue? It appears @Benoit Lamy has the same issue and we are on opposite sides of the planet (and seasons)!



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I've forwarded it on to R&D, They tried to get in touch via the email you used registering for the community but it bounced?

I have also forwarded on @Benoit Lamy's contact.

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david-p avatar image david-p Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
Apologies for that @Guy,

I have fixed the email issue. Please get R&D to resend.



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benoit-lamy avatar image
benoit-lamy answered ·

Today My 100/50 did not come out of Wakeup mode. Temp in Ottawa Canada 09:00 is 21 Celsius.

I have noticed something my MPPT 100/30 as 4 entry in the VE Smart networking, Using battery voltage sense from Shunt, Using External battery current sense from shunt, using external battery temp from SmartBatterySense and Synchronized charging.

On my MPPT 100/50 I am missing Using external Battery current sense from Shunt.

If this helps


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david-p avatar image david-p commented ·

@Benoit Lamy - I just posted an update below before reading your message. It appears we're experiencing the same issues and thinking along similar lines!

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david-p avatar image
david-p answered ·

I have interesting update - I think it might relate to the networking side of things. If, on the 100/50, I leave the network and then rejoin, the charging starts again. I have previously tried deleting the network on all devices and creating again but the problem still exists.

I notice on the 100/20 it says it is using battery current sense from the Smartshunt but the 100/50 does not show this. Here are some screenshots:



Not sure if that is causing issues.

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) - any thoughts?



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img-0919.png (351.4 KiB)
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Hi @david-p,

Thanks for the updated report. We will have more info this week.

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xtznig avatar image
xtznig answered ·


Are there any News on this topic?

I have the Same Problem.

Best regards


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benoit-lamy avatar image
benoit-lamy answered ·

Update. I have purchased a new MPPT 100/50 to replace my 100/30. I now have 3 MPPT 2 x 100/50 and 1 x 100/30. this morning I had MPPT 1 in the OFF mode but not my second 100/50 or my 100/30. So I now suspect that one of my 100/50 is defective.

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david-p avatar image
david-p answered ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager), any news on this? It’s still happening in my setup. I don’t see how it could be a hardware issue if the charging can be restarted simply by either toggling charging or removing from the VE network. Cheers, David

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Hi @david-p,

Thanks for following this up, I have just asked for an update.

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david-p avatar image david-p Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
Hey Guy, Any news? Thanks, David
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