
Margreet Leeftink (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Margreet Leeftink (Victron Energy Staff) asked

Wiring Unlimited - First edition finalized

Hello Everyone,

The first "official" edition of my book: "Wiring Unlimited" is now available from our website. It can be found and downloaded on the "Technical information" page on our website.

I would like to thank all the people on the Victron Community who have given feed-back on the draft version that was posted a while agoon the Community . I would especially like to thank Mike for taking time out of his sailing adventures to proof-read my book and for making very valuable suggestions.

Please not that there is still a lot of content that can potentially be added to this book. This will be done in future editions.

With regards,

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kai avatar image kai ♦ commented ·

Nice work. And I think the V=IR graphic is a nice touch!

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John Rushworth avatar image John Rushworth ♦♦ commented ·

And here’s the blog about it, spread the word!

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4 Answers
Meine_Energiewende avatar image
Meine_Energiewende answered ·

Very very nice. Thank you for putting this together.


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mihair avatar image
mihair answered ·

Hi Margreet,

First of all, thank you so much for this book, it is very good!

Now, I am not sure that following paragraph is true:

"In an ESS system with an MPPT the charger of the inverter/charger is disabled.

This is because the MPPT charges the battery and excess solar power is being fed back into the grid."

At least in my ESS system with MPPT and grid tied solar inverter on input side of Multi, charger is normally up and running.



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What we are trying to say with that sentence is that in a system that only contains MPPTs (and no AC solar) when the sun is shining the MPPT will charge the battery and not the MultiPlus from the grid.

It changes when there is AC solar in the system. in this case the MultiPlus will be charging because it needs to converted the solar energy from AC to DC to get it into the battery.

I will add the word "only" in that sentence in next version. Thank you for pointing this out.

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atomix avatar image
atomix answered ·

Hi Margreet,

I just wanted to say thanks for making this book. I've been using the first version to help me with my electronic circuit design and have found it really, really useful. It's been my first port of call when seeking information. I've also shown it to friends as an example of Victron's business ethos (that and the open source software they provide).

So thanks for putting the work into this. It really is really useful!

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sverre-1 avatar image
sverre-1 answered ·

Hi Margreet. I think there is a small error on page seven regarding the unit of the specific resistance of copper in the example given of a 1.5 mtr. cable. It says the unit is Rho/mtr. While I believe it should be Rho*mtr as the resistance will increase per meter cable added, not decrease…

Kind regards and thanks for this comprehensive guide.


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