
vicfan avatar image
vicfan asked

Problem Setting W/.../vebus/276/Dc/0/MaxChargeCurrent in MultiPlus since update CerboGX to FW 3.30

For a long time I have been setting the value .../vebus/276/Dc/0/MaxChargeCurrent via MQTT in my zero-feed system (3 x MPII + SmartLoader) in order to
optimize the charging of the battery and fully utilize the power of the SmartLoader.
This worked without any problems for a very long time. Since updating the CerboGX to FW 3.30, I have noticed the problem that the setting of
W/.../vebus/276/Dc/0/MaxChargeCurrent still works, but after a short time the set value is overwritten with 105 (3 x 35A)
is overwritten.
On the SSH console with dbus-spy -> com.victronenergy.vebus.ttyS4 -> Dc/0/MaxChargeCurrent the behavior is identical. A manually set value
is automatically overwritten with 105 after a short time.
I assume an error in the FW. Can anyone confirm this behavior and perhaps already have a solution?

Should Victron correct this issue?!

Best regards

Multiplus-IIchargerMQTTcharge current limit
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5 Answers
martin-caddick avatar image
martin-caddick answered ·

Hi @Vicfan, I've only just started trying to set the AC incoming current with MQTT but the symptom sounds similar.

Disconnected the Phoenix Multi Control remote and using MQTT explorer I can set the value to less than 16A but 47 seconds later it resets back to 16A.

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vicfan avatar image
vicfan answered ·

Hi Martin, yes it looks like a similar behavior.
My expectation is that Victron will make these setting options available again, as they were in the versions before FW 3.20.

I hope Victron is reading this!

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martin-caddick avatar image
martin-caddick answered ·

Downgraded to 3.01 small image (no nodered or signalk). Now I can not even set it for the 47 seconds. To be clear, I have a @Multiplus (1922) ver 159 firmware.

Now reverting back to 3.31 large instal

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aaxc avatar image
aaxc answered ·

I have the same issue in my installation. And completly disabling the charger in ve.config is not really that flexible. Sometimes you need the MP2 to get the batteries full, sometimes you don't because you have enough power coming in through the mppts.

If that worked before in older versions maybe Victron can bring it back?

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aaxc avatar image aaxc commented ·
@mvader (Victron Energy) Can someone please have a look at this bug or change to the old behaviour?
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aaxc avatar image aaxc commented ·
@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) Could someone from Victron have a look at this please?
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hey all, we’ll check; thanks for the report!

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martin-caddick avatar image martin-caddick commented ·

@mvader (Victron Energy) I'm in France on the boat for the next couple of months with plenty of time to try different firmwares if you need. Cheers

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Related Resources

MultiPlus-II Product page 

MultiPlus-II Manual

Multiplus-II GX Online Manual

MultiPlus-II 230V Datasheet 

VE.Bus Error codes

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Victron MQTT readme


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