
abner-grech avatar image
abner-grech asked

Why is the inverter on light flashing and absorption and float lights on?

After resetting the country code on my Multiplus 2, it is not accepting the mains. I have two identical Multiplus 2 and so I can cross check. One of them works perfectly and has been doing so for the last two years. When I connect the other correctly and set up correctly the mains on flashes for a few seconds and then stops and the inverter on starts flashing and the absorption and float lights are both on too.

Multiplus-IINot sure - Admin please assign or createfaulty multiplus 2
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2 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

You need to download the Victron Toolkit app to your phone / tablet as this lists all the LED codes. See about half way down this page.

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abner-grech avatar image abner-grech commented ·

I already have all the Victron software installed and I do connect to my multiplus 2 and I checked my voltages and frequencies and none of the LED codes answers what is happening to my Victron!!!

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ abner-grech commented ·

There are probably two codes. Makes it more difficult if you don't know how to read them.

That is what a GX is for.

Are these inverters part of one system? How are they programmed? Define when you say they are connected correctly?

What you possibly should do is a firmware update the inverter. Then reset up the basic programming before moving on the frequency shifting.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Shot in the dark but this sounds like what you are describing found in the toolkit that @pwfarnell described.

Error 24.

As a further note, if they are being added together in one system, that wont work with inverters so far apart in age and production.

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abner-grech avatar image abner-grech commented ·

Mine is absorption and float and not absorption and bulk. I did reset twice and the same is happening.

Also I already highlighted that I have two of the same Multiplus. With the same exact settings one is working fine and the other since I reset the country grid settings is not accepting the mains.

The error you highlighted is not the same.

My error is blinking mains for a few seconds and then it goes on inverter blinking and on absorption and float steady lit leds.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ abner-grech commented ·

Half the questions needed to help diagnose are not answered.

Is is a single inverter system? What firmware is it on? Do you have a GX? What batteries and other components are there.

Did you try a factory default reset?

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abner-grech avatar image
abner-grech answered ·

Dear Alexandra when an exactly identical and identically set Multiplus 2 is working perfectly on the same system then many questions are not that relevant.

Still the system is single phase and has a 5kwh battery attached to it. The firmware is the latest. and yes I have a GX which is saying relay test fault.

Can you advice how to do a factory default reset please?

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