
bernhards avatar image
bernhards asked

Safety shutdown of everything by ModbusTCP or MQTT

Is it somehow possible to turn off everything (Multiplus2 charger/inverter, MPPT) by using a CerboGX ModbusTCP or MQTT? It's for safety reasons and should be set in some strange circumstances. In this case, a MCCB will disconnect the battery, too but I also want to tell CerboGX to deactivate everything.

cerbo gxModbus TCPMQTT
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Ideally you want the system to shut down before the battery does.

You could use the GX relay or a smart switch that works the H/L remote of the mppts and triggers the safety switch assistant on the inverter. It requires some wiring but has the added benefit of also having a physical safety switch also in place which is the ultimate in safety since software can have hiccups.

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bernhards avatar image bernhards commented ·

What do you mean with safety switch on the inverter? I guess, you mean - which is pretty cool.

Actually, I would somehow prefer to use a easier function on CerboGX which can be set by ModbusTCP or MQTT to turn off the complete functionality: charging of MPPT, charging/inverting of Multiplus2. As said, I'm using a MCCB which can disconnect the battery from Lynx so no amp would go from or to the Multiplus2 or MPPT. To make sure that these devices don't fall into trouble as no V can be detected, it would be nice to disable them.

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