Newbie question : About to have a Quattro, Cerbo GX and Batteries installed (already have PV). I intend to use a rpi for automation (probably with code red). I want to keep the Cerbo GX as 'pure' (= supported) as possible and use the rpi for automation/tinkering. I have read lots of documentation and cannot find a clearly documented way to remotely change the 'STOP on SoC' within Scheduled charging. Use case : I want to use a low cost overnight tariff window and automate only charging the batteries to some set point based on the PV forecast for the following day and my expected loads through the day. From the modbus-TCP xls it seems modbus is not an option? However, it looks like if VRM and 2-way communication are enabled i may be able to use MQTT? Appreciate if someone could confirm or otherwise please?
Thanks, Colin