
James avatar image
James asked

How do I use Multiplus 2 GX and ET112 energy meter

Hello, I'm just about to install some new PV panels on an outbuilding in the garden as part of a battery storage system and will be using the Multiplus 2 GX.

I'm in the UK and already have some PV panels on the house roof, which feed into the house and any surplus to the grid. I'm not wishing to connect my existing panels to the batteries I'm about to install.

I would like my house to be powered from my existing PV panel when there is sufficient current, but then when the house needs more current than the existing panels can provide, instead of pulling power in from the Grid (as it does now), I want the multiplus to send power to the house, and only if and when this is still not providing sufficient power form the house, to then pull in additional from the Grid.

I'm been told that if I connect an ET112 to the live wire bring electricity from the grid, when this detect the house pulling power in from the grid it will signal the multiplus GX to send power (and in the process stop power coming in from the gird), is this correct?

I intent to run a RS485 cable from the ET112 the USB socket on the multiplus. I also do not wish to send any power from the multiplus to the grid, can the same ET112 be used to tell the multiplus to stop? Thank you in advance for your help.

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3 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Yes that will work, but for best performance you can add a second ET112 to measure the allready installed PV

best to set the system up as ESS or maybe DESS

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James avatar image
James answered ·

Thank you very much for your answer, that give me some reassurance. So I guess it will just be a case of when I set up the multiplus GX I configure the ET112 to the role I need it to do. A 2nd ET112 sounds like a good idea, if the first one is connected to the multiplus via the USB socket, what socket would I plug the 2nd one into? Would it be one of the BMS Can sockets?

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

you can connect the second also by usb, but you will need a good quality and powered usb hub

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James avatar image James commented ·
Thank you!

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