
keivn avatar image
keivn asked

isolation transformer 3600 section 2.3 (figure 4 pg7) in the manual states: (poorly worded)

The 3600-isolation transformer manual on page 7 (section 2.3) figure 4 states:

If the boat is on shore power (winter period or maintenance) the manual goes on to explain the jumper wire configuration.

Does this wording actually mean, that if the boat is OUT OF THE WATER on shore power, for winter period, or maintenance you connect the PE to the J34 connector? (and disconnect the PE to J34A connector)?

These two details are very important to understand, after hours and hours of scratching my head over these jumper wire instructions I now believe these jumper wires are connected in this manner.

Most of the time the jumper wire goes from PE to J34A. If the boat is OUT OF THE WATER for storage, or maintenance, then connect the PE to J34 jumper (and disconnect the PE to J34A jumper)

Is my thinking correct?

Thank you for your review,

For as important as this part of these instructions are, they are horribly written, with lack luster detail Victron needs to revisit this wording and fix it.

wiring diagram
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7 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

In my manual copyright 2008 I find no problem because it says

If the boat is on shore (winter period or maintenance) the manual goes on to explain the jumper wire configuration.I

It does not say shore power it say on shore, i.e. on land, the other option in that figure is floating. If your manual is the same revision as mine then check you have not added "power" bevause you expect this after "shore".

Secondly, if you go to the manual dection on the Victron isolation transformer page, you will see the Feb 2003 version is clearer.


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keivn avatar image
keivn answered ·

Thank you. I'm screen shotting your info you left for me here. You were right about the "on shore' / on shore power theory. it says on shore. not on shore power. thank you for that

My book shows me something different two jumper wires one in black, one in gray

The gray one goes from the top of the PE input to J34 (similar to what you provided) but its not on a push on connector,it goes from what appears to be the top of the imput connections block??

The black jumper appears to tie into that gray jumper and go to J34A Its very strange. to say the least

I'm trying to figure out the directions that came with my unit I bought in 2024. I dont think it wise for me to refer to manuals circa 2008 / 2003 even if they seem more simple it may not be the correct way to hook these jumpers up. I will try to post a screenshot of my directions

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·

The old manual, screen shot attached does show the PE wire from the terminal to J43A or J43 with J43A just being a holding location The new manual suggests that J43A is now connected on the PCB to the incoming PE so you only need to connect this to J43 when on land. You need to confirm what variant your unit is.


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keivn avatar image
keivn answered ·

Here is a pic of the inside of my transformer, 3600. I believe the jumper wire is attatched to the top of that green block on the right-hand side via the screw, when the boat is in the water Like normal, the jumper wire attaches to J34A (just as a place to hold the wire and keep it from touching anything and arching or shorting out). Its basically just a loop. When the boat is hauled out of the water for maintenance or storage, then the jumper is attatched to J34 instead of J34A

i think that's it. Judging by the shape of the board J34A is attached (Via the board) to the pe wire.

please let me know if mt thinking seems correct

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keivn avatar image keivn commented ·
picture is below sorry I'm new to this
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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell keivn commented ·

Still no picture. Click on the picture icon, then click on the box to get to your files and select a picture.


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keivn avatar image
keivn answered ·

Here is a pic of the inside of my transformer, 3600. I believe the jumper wire is attatched to the top of that green block on the right-hand side via the screw, when the boat is in the water Like normal, the jumper wire attaches to J34A (just as a place to hold the wire and keep it from touching anything and arching or shorting out). Its basically just a loop. When the boat is hauled out of the water for maintenance or storage, then the jumper is attatched to J34 instead of J34A

i think that's it. Judging by the shape of the board J34A is attached (Via the board) to the pe wire.

please let me know if mt thinking seems correct

below is the pict of the inside of my unit

1713936872438.png (1.1 MiB)
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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·
Yes yours looks like the newer design in the new manual I put the diagram for at first where J43A is connected by the PCB and you need a jumper wire with 2 female spade terminals. Go to the link to get the full new manual.
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keivn avatar image
keivn answered ·


Here is a pic of the inside of my transformer, 3600. I believe the jumper wire is attatched to the top of that green block on the right-hand side via the screw, when the boat is in the water Like normal, the jumper wire attaches to J34A (just as a place to hold the wire and keep it from touching anything and arching or shorting out). Its basically just a loop. When the boat is hauled out of the water for maintenance or storage, then the jumper is attatched to J34 instead of J34A

i think that's it. Judging by the shape of the board J34A is attached (Via the board) to the pe wire.

please let me know if mt thinking seems correctvictron.jpg

victron.jpg (143.5 KiB)
victron.jpg (143.5 KiB)
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christern avatar image
christern answered ·

Well, to me it seems as the green/yellow cable is the ordinary "grounding" cable that should always be connected to an "earth-plate" of the boat. The jumper cable is not visible in your pictures but if you look at the small texts on the board you can see just to the right of the left green "hub" where to attach the jumper on one side. The other side of the jumper cable should be connected to the connector just above the green "hub" on the right side. By doing this you connect the shore-power cables ground to the isotrafo while on shore (and the "earth-plate" has no connection to the surrounding water).

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keivn avatar image keivn commented ·

hi Christern we are talking about the J34 to J34A connections. which are connected only when the boat is out of the water according to my paper manual (received with my transformer) the pe wire has to be connected to J34A I will add a picture of my manual there appears to be a wire linking the pe wire to J34A coming from the top of the connection block (input side)victron-2.jpg

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victron-2.jpg (176.0 KiB)
keivn avatar image keivn commented ·


here are some more pics of what Im trying to figure out on my motherboard it says to connect j34a with pe wire it also says to do that in these pictures on the online manual, however it does not show a connection from pe to the jumper, only the jumper wire plugged in the picture I took of my manual plainly shows some kind of wire linking my pe to J34A WHAT GIVES

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screenshot-3.png (153.3 KiB)
victron.jpg (143.5 KiB)
victron-2.jpg (176.0 KiB)
keivn avatar image
keivn answered ·

trying to add pictures showing differences in directions connect j34a with pe wire.pdf

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