
marcovicctron avatar image
marcovicctron asked

BMV700 and MPPT 70/15 on bluetooth

I have a BMV700 battery monitor and a 75/15 MPPT solar charger with MPPT remote controller, both neither are bluetooth smart.

Would I need to buy 2 Victron bluetooth dongles to get their data on the Victron Connect app? And will they not conflict with each other? Or will the app just recognise both dongles? Assuming I need 2?

Thank you for explaining!


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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Hello @MarcoVicctron, yes, you will need two BT dongles to connect to them on the VictronConnect app. They will not conflict with each other; the VC app will see them as separate units.

It's possible that you'll find it a bit confusing, as the VC app will show two "VE.Direct" Bluetooth devices, but directly underneath the VE.Direct label it will also show the device that the dongle is connected to, ie you will see a Bluetooth device that says "VE.Direct" with smaller print saying "BMV-700" and the serial number of the BMV.

You can, of course, change the names of the BT dongles to match what they're hooked up to so that it's easier to identify them in the app (this is achieved by -after connecting to the particular BT dongle- clicking the gear icon in the upper right corner of the app, followed by clicking the 3 dot icon in the upper right corner of the app, followed by clicking "Product Info", then clicking "Edit" under the device's default name display).

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marcovicctron avatar image
marcovicctron answered ·

Thanks Justin, as I expected. And thanks for the tip about naming the units, so they are easily recognisable.

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