4 Solarpanels with approx. 450W each, connected in two strings
2 Victron MPPT 150|70-MC4 VE.Can
2 Victron Multiplus 48|3000|35 in parallel
2 LYNX power in 1000
1 Orion-Tr 48|12-30 DC/DC Konverter
1 Orion-Tr 48|24-16 DC/DC Konverter
1 Cerbo GX with GPS antenna
2 Pylontech US3000C Batteries with BMS connected via CAN-Bus
I have the issue, that after driving thru a tunnel with my RV, the charging of the apps drops to appr. 5 watts. Sometimes after driving thru the next tunnel one or maybe both MPPTs starts charging again.
If charging does not start during the day, I need to restart the PylonTech batteries (turn off/on) then usually at least one string starts charging again.
Any idea or hint, why I see this behavior ?
thank you