
brian-norwick avatar image
brian-norwick asked

MPPT 100/30 in the 'Charger Off' condition during full sun

Victron Solar MPPT issue, need help troubleshooting, please.

Victron App shows the 'Why is the Charger off?' info dialogue.


  • 2x 100W Solar Panels
  • 1x Victron MPPT 100/30
  • 1x Victron Multiplus Compact
  • 1x Victron Orion 30 Amp
  • 2x 300ah LIFEPO4 battery
  • Wiring is marine grade and completed by a certified electrician.

History: This system had been working without issue for almost a year. Recently, solar MPPT stopped providing a charge.

Diagnosis 1: I went up to the roof and found a faulty MC4 connection (water ingress), so I replaced it with a new connector. I was able to get about 1 hour of charge before the MPPT returned to the 'Charger Off' condition.

Diagnosis 2: I went up again, and measured the voltage off the panels.

Panel Voltage was 56V (but no MPPT charging) 
MPPT voltage was 14-16V (but no MPPT charging)

Diagnosis 3: without making any modifications to connections, software settings, and the camper not moving, etc. the MPPT randomly started charging, up to 3 amps. It did so for an hour. Then the system returned to the 'Charger Off' condition.

I'm scratching my head because it seems like the system can work, but it doesn't seem to be able to do it sustained/ reliably. I'd love any help knowing what to try trouble shooting next. Thank you!

MPPT SmartSolarsmart solar charging behaviour
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

having a dc voltage of 14 to 16 volts means the battery is full or over full (presuming its a 12 volt system). so its probably turning off because of a overfull issue. or check the pv voltages at the mppt unit as they must be 4 or 5 volt over battery voltage to start

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Related Resources

MPPT product page

VictronConnect manual


MPPT calculator

MPPT codes

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