
lamek avatar image
lamek asked

3phase generator on one multiplus


I have a offgrid system with a 17,5kw Kohler generator, solarcharging, Multipluss 2 3000 35-32. And a cerbo gx.

Between the system and the house (approx. 30 metres) there is a 3-phase cable which is connected in the fuse box. The question is then whether I can connect L1 & L2 to multiple plus and L3 directly from the generator and distribute like a normal system 3 phase system?

Then I take out 1 phase where it is available for lights, TV, charging etc. while the remaining components that do not need power without starting the generator are left with voltage on one phase?

Will there bi at phase missmatch when starting det generator before the multipluss switches?

Has anyone built such a system? Is the correct way to separate this system completely?

2 |3000

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Generators don't like uneven loads.

The inverter would need to be connected to one phase only.

You would feed your DB as normal and the inverter off one of the phases.

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phoenix avatar image phoenix commented ·
I'm struggling to understand what you want to do. Can you please do a sketch showing the equipment and voltages
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offroadflow avatar image offroadflow commented ·
A Multiplus has already two OUTs.

The first has always power while the second has only power when AC IN has (in your case the generator).

A three phase generator on a single phase system can be tricky due to uneven load and you have only just a third of the max power available anyways. Splitting this as you explained can help but can also cause problems (low/high voltages)...

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