
tom-99 avatar image
tom-99 asked

Grounding off-grid with generator

Hi All,

I am trying to figure out how to setup proper grounding for my EasyPlus setup. From all articles I have been reading, I think I am close.

I have a grounding pen situated close to the setup with low resistance. The grounding pen is +/- 105mm2.

The negative side of my battery connects to a shunt with 50mm2, from the shunt to the busbar also 50mm2. On my busbar I have two ground cables at 35mm2 connected to the grounding pen. The chassis of the EasyPlus is connected to the same busbar.

Am I doing this right? Below the schematic overview.


Thanks in advance!



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1 Answer
offroadflow avatar image
offroadflow answered ·

Hi Tom!

This is a good question since in the case of lithium batteries I saw both suggested: Grounding the negative and not grounding.

Normally it's enough to ground the chassis of the inverter and the PV charger as well as the solar panel structure and connect all grounds/earth to the inverter.

If the cable to the generator is rather long spare the cost for the third wire and ground the generator directly.

Hope this helps

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