
amidships avatar image
amidships asked

Reusing ground chassis attachment


I am installing and integrating an EasyPlus and a new DC distribution board in a campervan with an existing grounded electric system.

My idea was to attach the ground connection of the EasyPlus to the negative busbar of the distribution board.

Then I would attach this negative busbar to the same location on the chassis where the rest of the equipment is grounded.

Is it a doable solution or should I connect the busbar to its own connection on the chassis?


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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

I would keep the ground and negative bus on separate connections to the chassis. Then if a connection comes loose, or there is a fault there is better protection.

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amidships avatar image amidships commented ·
Thanks for your answer. Just to understand correctly, you suggest having the EasyPlus ground connected to one bolt in the chassis, the negative busbar to a second bolt in the chassis, and keep the existing electrical installation connected to its how bolt in the chassis? For redundancy reasons?
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Ground, earth and electrical safety

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