
dianaclark1 avatar image
dianaclark1 asked

Multiplus II Not Charging and Clicking

Hello, we bought a trailer last week with a Multiplus II and 4 Battle Born batteries. A day after purchasing it, the inverter has seemed to stop working. We have it hooked to a generator and 30amp cord. Now today it started making a continuous clicking sound while running through what seems to be a cycle. I have included a video I took below, and screenshots of the app. The battery level has stayed at 70% for days. Once unplugged, it had been dying within minutes.

img-3413.png img-7645.png

img-3413.png (210.4 KiB)
img-7645.png (303.9 KiB)
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phoenix avatar image phoenix commented ·
Check the connections between the MP and the battery. It looks like either have a bad connection, or your batteries are beyond useful life.

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