
Rob Kenney avatar image
Rob Kenney asked

Wiring Orion 12|12 30 DC-DC and 75|15 MPPT with LiPoFe battery.


I have ordered the Orion DC-DC Non Isolated 12V Smart charger and the 75|15 MPPT Smart solar charger to go with a 12V 100AH Lithium battery. I am clear on how to wire each one individually, but not sure exactly how to do it with both chargers involved... any assistance with a diagram would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

wiring diagram
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Nothing special, just connect as you would individually. Both positives to battery positive, both negatives to battery negative. Ideally use a busbar for the connections. Don't forget fuses.

Makes sure battery settings are the same on both.

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Rob Kenney avatar image Rob Kenney commented ·
Ok, well that’s easy! Thanks. I was concerned that if both are running at the same time the voltage feed from one might throw off the sensors for the other, but I’m guessing the Victron gear is smart enough to account for that.

And yes, bus bars and fuses. Thx.

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