
wgt avatar image
wgt asked

Multipus 2 Input Isolation

I want to fit a trailing plug to my the AC input of my Multiplus 2 so that I can plug it into a generator. Is the input for the Multiplus 2 fully isolated from the inverter output? Is there any chance of a dangerous voltage appearing on the pins of the input plug if I disconnect it from the generator?

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2 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

When an ac source is connected to the input a relay connects the input to the output. If everything works as designed, when the ac source is removed, the relay disconnects the input from the output, but if there was a failure they would remain connected. Therefore what you are proposing could be dangerous and not recommended. You should have a proper site power input socket hard wired into the system and a changeover switch if you can have power from the grid so that the two power sources can not be used at the same time.

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wgt avatar image
wgt answered ·

Thanks. That is helpful. I will use a powercon plug and socket. Both ends are IP 20.

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