
cabezonbd avatar image
cabezonbd asked

Adding a Device after deleting in VRM, BUT....

Ask per site instructions, I did a search on deleting a device and trying to add it back. What I think I found is that it is not possible. I did see a post that made me think I could delete the older (deleted device) installation and start a new installation. Is that true? Any issues in using the same VRM portal number for the Cerbo? I am a rookie and still learning. My system consists of 4 200aH Smart Lithiums, Lynx Smart BMS 500, Cerbo, MultiPlusII 12/3000, and a Smart MPPT controller. I had some issues after an firmware update to the MP2 and thought I could add a device after deleting it.

Thanks for your response.

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Unplug it for the Cerbo, reboot.

Plug it back in. If it is in the devices list it adds back to the VRM.

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cabezonbd avatar image cabezonbd commented ·
Thank you Alexandra for your response. Unfortunately disconnecting the data cable did not resolve my issue. Because this is a fairly new installation, Is there a way that I can delete the install completely (not physically, but VRM wise) and reinstall via the VRM screen. I am not sure as some posts indicate they could not delete the cerbo device? I am willing to start over again from scratch to get things operational in the VRM world if that is possible?
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ cabezonbd commented ·


It has to be detected by the GX first before data is sent to the VRM. So troubleshooting starts physically at the GX.

You can reset the GX to factory and start again.

It won't remove it from the VRM.

You can delete a GX from your account and re add it but not from the VRM once it is logging.

And you can remove devices on the VRM under devices.

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cabezonbd avatar image
cabezonbd answered ·

Again, Thank you Alexandra. This will have to be a process that I try this weekend. I will need some time and partial disassembly of my system this weekend. I really appreciate your responses. Lots to learn about my system.

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