
cabezonbd avatar image
cabezonbd asked

Adding a Device after deleting in VRM, BUT....

Ask per site instructions, I did a search on deleting a device and trying to add it back. What I think I found is that it is not possible. I did see a post that made me think I could delete the older (deleted device) installation and start a new installation. Is that true? Any issues in using the same VRM portal number for the Cerbo? I am a rookie and still learning. My system consists of 4 200aH Smart Lithiums, Lynx Smart BMS 500, Cerbo, MultiPlusII 12/3000, and a Smart MPPT controller. I had some issues after an firmware update to the MP2 and thought I could add a device after deleting it.

Thanks for your response.

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Unplug it for the Cerbo, reboot.

Plug it back in. If it is in the devices list it adds back to the VRM.

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cabezonbd avatar image cabezonbd commented ·
Thank you Alexandra for your response. Unfortunately disconnecting the data cable did not resolve my issue. Because this is a fairly new installation, Is there a way that I can delete the install completely (not physically, but VRM wise) and reinstall via the VRM screen. I am not sure as some posts indicate they could not delete the cerbo device? I am willing to start over again from scratch to get things operational in the VRM world if that is possible?
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cabezonbd avatar image
cabezonbd answered ·

Again, Thank you Alexandra. This will have to be a process that I try this weekend. I will need some time and partial disassembly of my system this weekend. I really appreciate your responses. Lots to learn about my system.

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