
belmont avatar image
belmont asked

Bi-directional charger Wallbox Quasar 2 with Victron Quattro?

Probably the best Bi-directional fast home charger on the market is the "Wallbox Quasar 2" because it is using DC charging at 11.5kW.

However how to use it in the Victron ecosystem? I have Victron Quattro and the Wallbox Quasar 2 would be placed on the "AC out" side of the Victron.

What needs to be configured to fully function as Bi-directional charger for my BYD Seal?

Sadly Victron does not have any Bi-directional fast charger as of now. Do you know if they make such as Wallbox Quasar 2 in the near future, like this year??

ev charger
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Hi, we are looking into this, but the issue now is not having a lot of EV manufacturers allowing V2G. On some, there is a proprietary V2L, but on most of the vehicles, using them as a battery backup means losing the warranty.

An example from Tesla Warranty:

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6 Answers
belmont avatar image
belmont answered ·

warranty is something the EV owners should think about, nothing to do with the technical possibility. The Spanish Wallbox building a factory in Texas and probably this will be an "industry standard" in US and around the world. The EVs which already have officially enabled V2L like the BYD has no warranty issues at all. So, here on Victron side we just need integration into Cerbo GX. I have read some people managed to connect the Wallbox to Cerbo GX via Modbus TCP but cerbo GX does not show the Wallbox on the display yet. Please look into this as Wallbox is the best on the market when it comes bidirectional charging.

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Spending R&D time in something that can void the warranty is something pretty important for us.

For V2L, there is(most of the time) an inverter inside the vehicle.

We are part of the meetings regarding standards, and we are also waiting for that moment.

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belmont avatar image
belmont answered ·

your statement is completely wrong. Any electric car which has V2L function can use Wallbox Quasar 2 and never ever had any warranty issues. Are you serious stating this? You are saying using the top EV charger brand Wallbox can void warranty!!! Please send your statement directly to Wallbox company so they can respond the false accusations

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belmont avatar image
belmont answered ·

Wallbox and KIA, just one example

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belmont avatar image
belmont answered ·


Knowing the different solar inverter vendors' extreme unwillingness to integrate different vendors into their ecosystems one needs an alternative solution.

The problem:

Many Solar PV systems are using different vendors, for example combination of Victron, SolarEdge, Fronius, SMA, Huawei, etc, etc and also different BMS solutions and different energy/power meters and now there many different EV charger solutions too.

Most vendors are ONLY focusing on their own product, however most of the time that one is not the best, for example Victron does not even have a working bidirectional EV charger even if they have good AC/DC inverters.

Now what the solutions on such mess?

One needs a software platform that is able to handle different vendors and their different protocols into one ecosystem.

Not hard to guess no vendors willing to invest their R&D on such however the open source community already realized this and came up with a solution.


Actually it is very simiar to Cerbo gx / Venus OS but here they address the issues that never been addressed by Victron;

- multi vendor support (inverters, energy meters, EV chargers)

- much needed functions like EV charging ONLY from solar energy !!!!

- LOT MORE MODERN solution than any other commercial ones, no need to lead new wires around the house for energy measurement for different devices, EVCC talks pretty much all protocols, for example modbus TCP over LAN or WIFI

- open source, written by passionate and highly skilled software engineers

- home automation capable, Home Assistant Integration

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jeanmarie avatar image
jeanmarie answered ·

As you write above "open source, written by passionate and highly skilled software engineers" is highly contradictory : someone will have to pay, and as the saying goes : if it's free, you're the product.

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belmont avatar image
belmont answered ·

clearly @jeanmarie you have absolutely now idea what open source software means, even if Victron has open source software. .. The main benefit of using Victron it gives some freedom of configuration. ..

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