
ana-carvalho avatar image
ana-carvalho asked

Programmable Charge Controller


I work for a research institute and we want to experiment with a small off-grid PV/battery system and a DC load.

I am looking for a charge controller which I can program easily to execute the experiments.
Is it possible to program a Victron charge controller to charge or discharge the battery according to variations from the PV power?

For example, if there is a fast drop in PV power, the battery starts discharging to the load. Or if there is a fast rise in PV power, the battery stops discharging and the PV panels start powering the load again.

Thank you for your time,

battery chargingchargerSolar Panel
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1 Answer
Jaco Reinecke avatar image
Jaco Reinecke answered ·

Hi Ana,

If I understand your question correctly, this is the only options available on a load connected directly on a MPPT, if that MPPT has a Streetlight function:

Hope this helps.


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Related Resources

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