
honu avatar image
honu asked

An other AES problem

Hi all,

Cerbo GX
LifePo4 Battery with Jkbms
RS450 controlled by the BMS

1 - I got an energy meter (standalone system wise) connected on the AC OUT of the MPII, it report 65W, the MPII report 89W of AC output .. !

=> Why so much difference ..? What seems obvious is that the MPII include it own power, but even then ... isn't that 24W a lot ?

2 - I then switched AES mode on (modified sinewave)

The MPII never goes to AES as stated in this graph


While the power consumption was under 100W many times as can be seen on this other graph :


So ... what's wrong with my MPII ?
My loads are electronic devices, all connected to their own transformers, computers, router, NAS.

Thanks for clarifying, i tested different combination of Start/Stop AES wattages ... makes no changes.

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5 Answers
Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Why so many faults?

And MP2 off at some point?

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honu avatar image honu commented ·
Yes, updated firmware, tested many settings for AES => many restart and one that ttok longuer (firmware update) which lead to a "no communication with BMS" thus exteding even further the "fault'.
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honu avatar image
honu answered ·

I've change parameters to ignore AC IN 1 (enabling VS virtual switch) cause i though that could be that the AC IN relay was closed .. but no.. still not working....
Should i send back my device ?


But no ... it do not go into AES




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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

65W reported to 3000W maximum is just about 2%.

The current sensing elements inside MP2 may not be industrial energy meter grade and those 2% may very well fall below measuring tolerances.

Worth mentioned the fact that a lot of modern electronics have a very bad power factor because of the switching power supplies inside.

Also, those 24W for own functioning is not at all a lot. It's on the very good side.

There are a lot of loses inside electronics, especially in that big toroidal transformer.

In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with your MP2, but it's just my opinion that may be far removed from the truth...

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honu avatar image honu commented ·

Well if this device is not able to make a difference between 25, 50 or 100W ... then why having an AES mode that is starting at 25W ?

Toroidal transformers are the among the most efficient transformers, 95%.efficiency is common.

It's not that the 25W is too much as a draw... it's too much to include this draw in the AC output value ... i'm not even sure how they get this AC out wattage ... is it a output sensor or a calculated value based on the DC input sensor ....

I got AC counters that cost 10€ and are pretty precise .. so i expect a 1200€ inverter to be able to give me adequate numbers and work as advertised = AES mode.
But as i said .. maybe i made a mistake in the Multiplus parameters ... but i can also see many people unhappy by their AES not working as intended.

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honu avatar image
honu answered ·

Some news today,
I've set AES to 200W yesterday before going to bed... and it do not even work correctly for loads under 80W ...
Victron ... something is wrong....


Look at 8:00 the low part of the AC Output power as lowered from 75W to 65W... cause the MPPT started producing at this moment... ! RS450 take roughfly 10W to work.... and why does it even "blink" all the time .... those behavior are hard to explain.

What is the rule to calculate the Multiplus AC Output ..? Can we have details on how it is calculated ?

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Sorry to ask you but maybe you can try to tell us which are your expectations?

All the measurements and graphs are from "inside the Victron universe", if you know what I mean...

A real life measurement will be to use an ampermeter in series with the battery and then, for loads less than 200W now, measure the current with and without AES enabled.

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honu avatar image honu commented ·

I expect AES to work as it is advertised.

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honu avatar image honu commented ·

Of course all graphs are from within victron world .. AES mode work with those datas .. !I do not need a multimeter cause the shunt is already saying it all on the DC side while the Ac meter say it on the AC side.
So all graph and explanations are clear.

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