
jakes7196 avatar image
jakes7196 asked

VRM Feature suggestion

Two months ago I disconnected/removed the battery from my travel trailer for winter storage. However, the VRM dashboard currently shows the battery percentage at 65%, which is the last known value. There is the Last Updated time field on the dashboard, but a configuration setting for clearing VRM display values after a user input number of days or hours would be helpful. I have various temperature sensors that also show the Last Updated field and outdated values. Clearing these values would also be helpful.

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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 commented ·
Hi @jakes7196

If you're desperate for the feature I imagine you could write this yourself. The way i would do it is have a node red instance listen to the MQTT topics of the data points you want to reset to 0.

Then have a node red function that if that MQTT topic doesn't have an update after your user input number of days/hours then node red sends 0 or any defined value to that same MQTT topic. I believe that will accomplish what you're after.

I know you were just requesting the feature but there's a work around if you want to implement yourself/in case it's not added to vrm natively.

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