
pekkaj avatar image
pekkaj asked

Is Multiplus overheating harmful?

My Multiplus 2 3000VA overheats every 30 minutes while charging from 230V, ~1500W. It then stops charging for couple of minutes and continues charging normally. Is this harmful or normal operation, regarding longevity?

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4 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Sounds like lack of air flow and it's shutting down to protect itself. Are the air vents obstructed? Are the fans running? Is it in a confined space with restricted air flow?

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pekkaj avatar image pekkaj commented ·

I can lower the charge power if necessary, just want to know if overheating is harmful.

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pekkaj avatar image pekkaj pekkaj commented ·

No one knows?

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porcini avatar image porcini pekkaj commented ·

Of course it is not normal operation, otherwise the unit wouldn't have to shut down to protect itself. High temperatures will shorten the lifetime and reliability of almost every electronic device. You should provide sufficient air flow for cooling.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

The life and performance of any electrical system is based on temps of 25C. The electronics will protect themselves but it is unlikely they will last as long as a cooler system. Batteries in particular will degrade faster in warm temps.

Ultimately it will survive its warranty, as you will get a replacement regardless. Beyond that, it’s your problem.

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delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

Yes, of course overheating is harmful. All electronic components have a expected working life, and if they are subjected to conditions outside of their designated operating range it will shorten their lifespan.

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pekkaj avatar image
pekkaj answered ·

Thanks for the replies. So guess I have to get that mk3 USB adapter and lower the charging rate to be on the safe side.

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