
havscritiria avatar image
havscritiria asked

Max charger wattage

Hello, everyone.

I've been waxing engineering in respect to my BlueSolar 75/10. I've studied user manual's spec list, and I've come to understand that the max battery output is 290(29V*10A) Watts on a 24v battery system. With that established, I've also been playing around with the charge settings on the Victron app, and in doing so, I noticed I can set float voltage as high as ~35v or so and that got me wondering.

Is the max power output dependent on when the bulk charge ends/float voltage starts? And if so, would that indicate that the charger could output as much as 348(34.78V*10A) Watts if the battery was appropriate?

Thanks for you help, and knowledge. :)

battery charging
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kai avatar image kai ♦ commented ·

Interesting question. Assuming that the product does work how you want/expect it to work, you may have an oddball voltage for the battery bank. Everything else connected to the battery will also need to work for that voltage range.

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havscritiria avatar image havscritiria kai ♦ commented ·

Surely, the system would require planning around that voltage, or the use of of a buck-boost boost converter. But purely theoretically, it got me wondering whether or not the actual maximum continuous output of the charger is more than what is stated.

In theory you could hook up an 8 or 9s lithium pack and set your charge parameters to absorb and float @ 34.78v making the max output nearly 350 watts.

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havscritiria avatar image havscritiria commented ·

Bumping for answers. :)

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1 Answer
Murray van Graan avatar image
Murray van Graan answered ·

That is correct. It’s a 10A charger, therefore whatever the battery voltage is x 10Amps. Keep in mind the maximum input current limit on the PV side, it’s on the spec sheet.

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