
benoit-lamy avatar image
benoit-lamy asked

8 Channel relay board

Good day.

I am currently using a 4 channel relay HAT on my PI (thanks to this site). I see that its possible to use 6 relay. my Question is, will there be support for the 8 channel relay board?

Thank you


Raspberry Pi
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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

There are a couple of community projects to use a relay module connected to a USB port for up to 6 relays (I think). One is:

Note that this modification also needs GuiMods for the relay control page.

Victron's mvader mentioned in another thread that they have plans to implement relay expansion in the stock firmware. No timeframe or other details given.

The module used in the RemoteGPIO project can also connect via ethernet or WiFi but that implementation only uses Modbus-RTU RS-485 via a USB adapter.

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benoit-lamy avatar image benoit-lamy commented ·
Thank you for the reply.


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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie benoit-lamy commented ·

Victron Raspi Hat.pdfAtttached HAT i use for mthe 6 relays. works with Guimods OK

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victron-raspi-hat.pdf (737.1 KiB)