
geoffr avatar image
geoffr asked

Current on Solid Switch Remote pin

If I connect the Solid Switch H pin directly to 12V what is the current that will be drawn?
(I will be controlling it with an Optocoupler that can take up to 15mA, so need to know if I'll need to put a resistor inline...)

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2 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

The datasheet lists the minimum switch.on current as 30 microA. It also states that over 1 month it will consume 0.04Ah, which calculates out as about 55 microA.

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geoffr avatar image
geoffr answered ·

I did see the 0.04 Ah/Month, but I would assume that is the power between BAT+ and BAT- and is not the current flowing into the Remote pin (which is less I would assume)

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·
It is a moot point, it is 1/250th of your 15 milliA allowable current. The Solid Switch can be used happily on Victron devices with 10 milliA limits. The datasheet is referring to the switching current because it is comparing it to the coil current on a relay not the load side of the device. The positive supply goes to the load out not the negative.
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