
freddiezeebo avatar image
freddiezeebo asked

Scheduled charging not starting

Hi. My equipment is Multiplus 2 48v, Cerbo, 4 xn12v Lifepo in series, smart shunt.

I have the ESS assistant installed. I want to program it so it will only charge between a certain time. I have setup schedules charging and it goes from inactive to active on the menu tab when the correct time has arrived but its not charging the battery.

scheduled charge
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5 Answers
green-techie avatar image
green-techie answered ·

It looks like I have the same problem (Cerbo GX, Quattro and Pylontech US5000 batteries).

I have been using the ESS schedule to prevent battery use during the Octopus Go overnight period (00:30-04:30) for EV charging, which has worked fine to use grid instead of battery.

But last night, for the first time, there should have been some battery charging to reach 35%. You can see below that the level stayed at around 31% and no charging took place.




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green-techie avatar image
green-techie answered ·

I'm not certain I have a major problem after all. I just tried setting a 10 minute window to charge the battery to 50% (currently at 31%) and it did start charging, whereas it didn't start charging to 35% from 31%.

Perhaps there needs to be a greater difference between the target and starting charge before charging begins? Although it would seem strange for software to behave that way.

I'll try setting a higher charge level overnight and see if that works.

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jeanmarie avatar image
jeanmarie answered ·


Start charging occurs if SOC is lower than (SOC Limit - 5%), SOC limit is to stop charging.

When it reach that value, due to the setting "Self consumption above limit = PV", it will continue to take from grid in mode "keep battery charged"

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green-techie avatar image
green-techie answered ·

Thank you @jeanmarie, you've put my mind at rest. I don't think I can "accept" this as an answer, because the topic seems to be a different issue, but I certainly appreciate your help.

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hereandthere avatar image
hereandthere answered ·

Hi you all,

And what about the following;

My setup is new (Easysolar GX with 4 lead-carbon batteries) thus the SOC is not yet matching the actual battery charge. It is hovering around 98% even when the voltage is 47V.

How to do a full charge (without interruptions) ? With the scheduled option this is not possible because it doesn't differ more than 5 percent


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