
freddiezeebo avatar image
freddiezeebo asked

Help with MP2 setup

Hi. I'm currently setting up a MP2 48/5000 and would like some help. My ideal plan is to charge my batteries at night and use them during the day but would like the grid power to take over automatically if the batteries get below a certain voltage. I would like the batteries to only charge between certain times.

Can I also set it up using the power assist feature if using the batteries and the grid power to assist if power demand exceeds the MP2 limit?


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3 Answers
Craig Chamberlain avatar image
Craig Chamberlain answered ·

Hi. The Multiplus-II can certainly perform scheduled charging and will also switch to grid power if the batteries discharge to a predefined state of charge (SOC). These are both standard functions of the ESS system which you can read more about here:

I'm not so familiar with PowerAssist but I do believe it works as you describe.

If you need further assistance then it would help if you could provide more detail of your system such as which batteries you are using, which BMS etc.

Good luck with your setup.

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freddiezeebo avatar image freddiezeebo commented ·

Thanks Craig. Set up will be as follows

Multiplus II 48v 5000

150/35 charge controller

Cerbo GX

Smart shunt

4 x Li-Gen 12v LifePo in series

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iammotorhomeless avatar image
iammotorhomeless answered ·

@FreddieZeebo click settings, ess, then Scheduled charge level

the rest is easy


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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Power assist supplements grid power with battery power. E.g. grid max 10A, load 15A. 5A comes from the battery.

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freddiezeebo avatar image freddiezeebo commented ·
I'm looking for the shore power to supplement the battery power if needed.
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