
olivier35 avatar image
olivier35 asked

AES search mode not starting on Multiplus II

My system include multiplus II 48/3000, cerbo and 2 MPPTs.

I updated the inverter release to V506 yesterday.

The AES mode is not starting as it should.

find below details of parameters I have entered.


What can I do to solve this problem ?

1697993599839.png (152.5 KiB)
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4 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Increase the 35W a bit higher. ( 50 or 70W)

Your inverter is pulling 1a at 56.46v that is almost 57W. Which is enough to keep it out of AES.

I know the AC is reading lower but the DC estimate is higher.

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olivier35 avatar image
olivier35 answered ·

Hi Alexandra,

I don't see your point because, as you can see the setting for starting AES is already 69W and not 35 W (or is there anything I have not understood ?). Anyway, I followed your recommandation with new setting up to 80W. AES is not starting either. please find below new setting :


what can I do to solve this problem ?

1698054508774.png (147.1 KiB)
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
On AES I have found some low loads (ones reading lower than the threshold in watts) have a weird power factor or sine wave that prevent it from triggering.

Does it trigger with loads disconnected on the AC out.

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olivier35 avatar image
olivier35 answered ·

I tried this afternoon to disconnect all the load.

The only load remaining on the multi was its own consumption indicated as AC out 17W

There was also the Cerbo taken 3W directly on the battery

the AC out stayed at 17W : I assumed the AES didn't start

The multi in this system is configurated for Soc calculation

Is the AES mode compatible with SOC calculation, VRM supervision or Cerbo connection ?

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honu avatar image honu commented ·

Le multiplus a t'il été éteint puis rallumé après le paramétrage ?

Le soucis q t'il été résolu depuis ?

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goon97 avatar image
goon97 answered ·

yeah i have same problem with multiplus II 5000, i also can't set the search mode starting power to less than 44w, and even when I do it just doesnt work

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