
energy-z avatar image
energy-z asked

Is it possible to use a lead acid or OPzS batteries for a grid tie installation with multiplus II?

I'm trying to develop a system where my client uses lead acid batteries or opz to store energy from a grid tie inverter or from the grid at night to store energy and used when need it.

Can a victron system do this? Or does it need a way to control the battery output?

The system that i'm to achieved is similar to the one in the image bellow.

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1 Answer
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·


Yes it can do this, i have one my self, but use Lithium now, You will need a Colour control monitor, or a Raspi to control the ESS functions, and some energy metering in some cases.


Rob D



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energy-z avatar image energy-z commented ·

By the way, there is no need to insert a module to define the battery capacity, right? Or when we define the capacity in the multiplus II is enough?

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie energy-z commented ·

The Mulitplus has its own SOC % battery calculation internally.


Rob D



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