
johannes123 avatar image
johannes123 asked

Multiplus-II 48/5000/70-50 Transfer switch 50A - short overuse possible?


can someone please tell me, as I like to buy a 3 phase set of Multiplus-II 48/5000/70-50:

What happens when using Multiplus-II 48/5000/70-50 and the power at transfer switch gets higher than the 50A that is listed in the datasheet, is there any protection?
- a real fuse
- or shut down because of electronic measurement
- or will it also run with higher power sent trough the transfer switch

Is there any information available whether a short time higher power consumption trough the transfer switch is acceptable?

And 2nd question:
Does the transfer switch 50A mean only the transfered power to the attached power consumption devices, or does it also inlcude the 70A charge power of ~56V battery pack, that might be about 17 Ampere at 230 volts?

So 50A = 50 A for attached power consumption devides
or 50A = only 33A for the attached power consumption devices while 70A charging the battery
Or would the Multiplus-II decrease the battery charging when it detects that more power for attached power consumption devices is needed?

Best regards


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3 Answers
jeanmarie avatar image
jeanmarie answered ·

you have 5000VA usable from DC->AC converter (from batteries)

+ 50A (11500VA) usable from the grid through the transfer switch (if your grid contract allows it)

Total = 16500VA for connected loads on AC Out1+ AC Out 2

as long as the grid is present, of course.

And it's the measurement of the total power that will trip the overload alarm if it occurs

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daniel-feist avatar image daniel-feist commented ·

If there is a 60A load on AC-OUT1, will the inverter automatically invert 10A (from batteries) to ensure only 50A via the transfer switch? Is this PowerAssist? My understanding though, is that PowerAssist isn't available with ESS, correct?

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johannes123 avatar image
johannes123 answered ·

Hello @jeanmarie, thank you very much for your answer.

Please allow 2 question to check whether I understand right:

There is NO Transfer Switch power > 50A allowed / possible, the system will shut down if > 50A power is reached at the Transfer Switch.

But if there is a peak need > 50A / 11500VA power consumpton on togehter AC out 1 and 2, then the Multiplus II will use the battery to increase to about 71,74 A / 16500 VA power that is used by AC out 1 and 2.

And as bonus: In the techical details is written: Peak power 9.000 W.
Does it mean that the max. power consumption of AC out 1 and 2 can be 50A + 39A = 89A for a short time?

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jeanmarie avatar image
jeanmarie answered ·

Hi @Johannes123

yes you understood it right.

Just keep in mind that "a short time" is for the startup of motor for exemple it is not intended as "some" seconds

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