
drparker151 avatar image
drparker151 asked

bug. Solar and wind priority displaying negative amps on line1 AC input.

I've enable solar and wind priority, when only a small AC load is on the system. It is showing negative amps on line 1 input of 2x120 Multiplus.

Hughes Watchdog EMS is showing a draw of .6amps but the multiplus is showing a -.7 like it is back feeding the grid, even though Grid country is set to none.

If I disable Solar and wind priority Line goes back to a positive amp draw.

Appears to be some kind of bug.


solar wind priority
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1 Answer
drparker151 avatar image
drparker151 answered ·

Interesting. it took two days for battery voltage to drop all the way to 13.0, once it hit this L1 has stayed positive even after solar brought the voltage higher.

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