
pyrorider avatar image
pyrorider asked

MP-II - How does the german grid code (P-Limit 4.2kW) impact the acutal max power

I am curious, as the MP-II 48/5000 can do 5kVA/4kW continious and 9kW peak, but the german grid code limitting the output power to 4.2kVA, does that mean that I can't use the 9kW peak power capability even in zero-feed in? (Can the Multi provide the 9kW as long as I don't export them into the grid or will the multi never produce more than 4.2kW with the german grid code set?)

Multiplus-IIgrid parallel
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1 Answer
mvas avatar image
mvas answered ·

In the Grid Feed-In menu there is a field that configures Maximum Watts Allowed for Grid Feed-In. I don't know if the German Country code automatically set this value to 4,200 watts. But you can change it to 4,200 watts.

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pyrorider avatar image pyrorider commented ·
That was not the question
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