
mifarms avatar image
mifarms asked

AC Input Current Limit not respected (MultiPlus 24-3000)

I have two MultiPlus 24/3000 70-50 (120V) in parallel. I also have a Cerbo GX. In Victron Connect (both units: Master/Slave) AC Input Current Limit, override by remote is disabled, and AC Input Current Limit is set to 6.0A. Power Assist is on. I also have the Charge Current set to 20 Amps on Both Units. AC Input Control is not currently enabled, but my intent is to set that up soon. Trying to limit variables while troubleshooting this parameter.

If AC Loads are zero, or minimal, the draw on the generator stays low (1400 watts or so), but as loads increase the draw on the generator increases, and will rise to over 2000 watts. Charging is held at 40 amps (combined), so that setting appears to be respected, but the AC Input Current Limit is not being respected.

Trying to set this up so that I can use a Honda EU2000 generator from time to time where noise is a factor, and it's not acceptable to run the big generator.

Any ideas how to configure the units so that AC Input Current is respected?

input current
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3 Answers
mifarms avatar image
mifarms answered ·

Hrm... the firmware is up to date... current version. I see what you are saying, but I guess I don't have access to Victron Professional... do you have to be a dealer or something to get to that?

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·

You need to sign in, but there's no password, etc. For diy persons, just say Installer.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Are you using or have you tried to use the dynamic current limiter?

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mifarms avatar image mifarms commented ·
So yes, dynamic current limiter is on...
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ mifarms commented ·

If you feel like doing an experiment. Disable the dynamic limiter and see if it behaves itself.

There was another member here who had it enabled but on grid and it wouldn’t stick to the limits until disabled.

Something else that may be worth a look, do you have a clamp meter? If so are the units balanced?

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


For that particular Multi there's a minimum of 7.5A listed, so 15A for 2x. A safety margin is usually applied, so in practice it should limit to maybe 13-14A. You don't say how you set this, but I'd suggest the setting hasn't 'stuck'.

It's possible to go lower if you disable Power Assist, but then you have to keep your loads within the Input Limit.

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mifarms avatar image mifarms commented ·
So in the manual, it says:

"PowerAssist setting range: From 5.3A to 50A for models with 50A transfer capacity"... which both of mine have the 50A transfer capacity., so it seems like this should be allowed.

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