
jonathan-drewes avatar image
jonathan-drewes asked

Disable/enable the Multiplus II charger (while still inverting)

While the inverter is in the ON mode and inverting, is there a way to disable/enable the Multiplus II charger (while still inverting) other than by using the MK3 wired connection ??

Below, from the VRM, is NOT the way to do it without shutting down the inverter--


If the answer is NO, then why is this not available? It would be very useful to do remotely and without using the wired adapter. No, I dont want to create an assistant. I do have a CERBO but also do not see a way using remote console to do this.

Thank you

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6 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

What batteries do you have and how are they connected? You might be able to enable DVCC and enable charge current control, and set it to 0.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

@Jonathan Drewes

The Multi cannot invert and charge at the same time. No matter what it's set to do.

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas commented ·
I don't think that was the intent behind the question. The intent I believe was to be able to enable/disable the charger while still in inverter mode, before connecting or enabling shore power.
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jonathan-drewes avatar image
jonathan-drewes answered ·

This should not depend on the battery. I cannot use DVCC.

Sorry, I charge by using the MK3 by Enabling Charger and disabling the Conditional AC setting which switches to grid while I let the charger run.

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas commented ·
Why can't you use DVCC?
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jonathan-drewes avatar image jonathan-drewes derrick thomas commented ·
Its complicated but basically DVCC is not compatible with my Trophy battery and how I am using my grid-as-backup system.
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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

With the exception of ve.bus bms, DVCC is compatible with any battery connected with comms, or any battery without comms as long as there is a shunt connected to the cerbo.

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jonathan-drewes avatar image
jonathan-drewes answered ·

So I guess that the answer to my question is NO, there is no other way to disable conditional AC followed by enabling the charger, other then using the MK3.

OK. It would be nice to be able to do this remotely, but I suppose it is not.

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

If you set "no virtual switches" and no assistants, no grid code, the MP will charge when connected to the grid and passthru to loads as you know. During this state, if you switch from anydevice between on and inverter modes, switching is instant without loss of power to the loads. Charging will automaticaly take place when "ON" and when you switch to "INVERTER" charging will stop.

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas commented ·
"So I guess that the answer to my question is NO, there is no other way to disable conditional AC followed by enabling the charger, other then using the MK3."

No, that is not accurate. There are options available, but wether or not you implement those options of course is up to you.

Some other options for you to consider:

1: Conditional AC input can be done thru node red, and using node red you can pretty much design it to do whatever you can think up in terms of conditions to decide when to connect/disconnect. If you want dynamic control (ability to change the parameters) you can use node red dashboard to make changes on the fly from any connected mobile device or PC. If you want to be able to control it remotely, this can be done by accessing node red dashboard via VRM from anywhere.

2: A recent update to node red added two extremely useful nodes, Custom Input and Custom Control. These two nodes give you almost unlimited access to the entire dbus. Using the custom node, you can set the charge current to 0 in the inverter, essentially disabling the charger. You can also use this node to set any value you want between 0 and the maximum setting for the charge current. Same as with option 1 above, you can use dashboard to control the feature as well as access the dashboard remotely thru VRM.

Option 2 I have just tested in my own system and can confirm it will do exactly as described.

If these options don't fit the bill, then perhaps a little more info on exactly what the desired behavior is would help to steer you in the right direction.

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w8dev avatar image
w8dev answered ·

Not sure if this is what you're looking for but I have a pair of Multiplus-2 5kVA inverters and I programmed one of the cerbo relays to control whether or not my inverters charge from the grid when I'm on AC in power.

I'm using the Charge Current Control assistant and I have a CAT cable running between Relay 2 on the Cerbo and the Aux Input 2 on the primary Multiplus.


The charge value is hard-coded in the assistant, but I can turn it on/off through the cerbo.


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