
rgear13 avatar image
rgear13 asked

Elecnova DDS1946-2M energy meter for cerbo gx?

Does anyone know if I can connect this energy meter and usb to rs485 cable with the cerbo gx?






cerbo gxBluetooth Low Energy - BLE
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2 Answers
Dean Perry avatar image
Dean Perry answered ·

If you are trying to use it for a grid measurement or a PV inverter then you are probably out of luck unless it happens to appear exactly the same on Modbus as one of the Carlo Gavazzi or ABB meters:

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matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @rgear13

As Dean mentions you'd either have to hope the modbus output is the same as those two supported meters. Or if you're good at python you could probably analyse that meters modbus output and then create custom driver to implement into venus os/gx device.

It shouldnt be too difficult you could copy the python scripts for the existing supported carlo and ABB meters:

They can be found in the below paths of the venus os/gx device.



And then you'd need to add the new version say you call it to the document by adding

import newMeter

In regards to the cable it looks to be the correct chipset but I'm not 100% sure what other criteria is required regarding cables.

However it looks similar to this guys cable who had to tweak something in his:

Energy Meter ET112 Not seen by Cerbo GX - Victron Community (

EDIT: If you go the route of making custom python script you may have more success moving the question to Modifications section of the forum.

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rgear13 avatar image rgear13 commented ·

I'm going to investigate the python issue, thanks for your answer.

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