
johnjaymack avatar image
johnjaymack asked

Cerbo GX relay 2 on manual resets to off

I have a Cerbo GX with relay #1 controlling my generator. I have relay #2 set to manual.

I am trying to write some Node Red flows to control the relay #2 state. I am monitoring the state of the relay using the Relay Input Node and also by having an external display showing when the relay #2 operates -- On or picked or energized, and when the relay turns off, de-energizes.

Now to my issue. My Cerbo Gx relay #2 returns to Off/Deenergized state all of the time. I send a signal to turn on the relay, it turns on for between 1 and 5 seconds and then turns back off. I send a message to tell the relay to default On, it turns on for between 1 to 5 seconds and then turns off. I send it a constant turn on message and it Turns On then Off.

When I set the Cerbo Gx relay #2 to manual, is there somewhere else that I should look to disable an automatic default state or to stop the relay from changing states automatically? I am hoping to program this relay for some alarm/automated functions, but if it will not maintain an On State when triggered On by a fault or condition, then its functionality is limited.

Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated.

cerbo gx
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4 Answers
johnjaymack avatar image
johnjaymack answered ·

@Kevin Windrem, I am wondering if there is something in my Guimods setp that might be causing the Cerbo GX #2 relay to default to OFF. Under the Settings - Relay, I have Relay #2 set to Manual. The next line down is a slider to Set the Relay On. When I activate that slider, Relay #2 turns On for about 3 seconds. Then the slider returns to the left, not active position, and the relay turns off. Is this normal, or am I missing something.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
No GuiMods would have no way to do this.
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Jeremy Albrecht avatar image
Jeremy Albrecht answered ·

If you disable your node red flows, does the relay still switch off unexpectedly?

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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

There is something in your flow that is causing the relay to switch back to off. Are you using a dashboard switch? If so, you may need to change the passthru setting, or you may need to add a filter node to your flow.

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johnjaymack avatar image
johnjaymack answered ·

Thanks to both @Jeremy Albrecht & @derrick thomas, you both pointed to my problem. I have been trying to work on some different ideas and probably a month or so ago, I created some flows to test the relay #2. Then I forgot about them.

I erased all of my testing and research node to get to a clean slate. At that point, the relay control through the Touch 50 began working properly.

Next I wrote a simple Node Red flow to inject a turn on signal and a turn off signal -- basically a switch. Now when I inject a Signal 1, the relay turns On and stays On. When I inject a signal 0 the relay turns Off and stays Off.

All my fault. Thanks for the help.

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Jeremy Albrecht avatar image Jeremy Albrecht commented ·
Glad I could help. I’ve done similar to myself on node red more than once while testing things.
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