
Jason Koch avatar image
Jason Koch asked

After discharge MPPT 100/30 charges 30% of what it did before

Any solar sherlocks out there can help? It is as iff my solar controller is throttling the current from the panels. much appreciated:

My setup

  • RV
  • 400ah= 4x100ah Battle born LifePO batteries
  • 300w = 3x100W Renogy solar panels mounted in parallel
  • 100/30 solar controller, multiplus inverter, smartBMV
  • 2 year old system

The event

  • On June 11 had a deep discharge on my RV for a couple days. Plugged the RV back in to shore power charged back up easily.
  • Since then max watts from solar is around 30watts. Previously would get to 110watts easily at mid-day.

What I have checked

  • VOC/Isc on Renogy panels it is 21v/4.8amps -- not too bad. so panels are good
  • tried rebooting MPPT 100/30 controller
  • Checked all my connection to make sure not loose
  • Checked the fuse between solar controller and battery, no problem
  • Checked all my Victron settings setup for LifePo Battleborn batteries. Looks good








MPPT SmartSolarsmart solar charging behaviour
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2 Answers
mvas avatar image
mvas answered ·

Separate the 4 batteries. Then charge / discharge (test) each battery individually with a known good charger. Then you will know if the batteries are still good or not.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

The solar history chart shows multiple days where battery voltage dropped to zero. This stopped, presumably when you did the AC charge. Also highest battery voltage was very low.

You need to check, but first guess is the BMS was disconnecting the batteries, possibly because they were exhausted and to prevent damage.

Lower charge rate at present could be due to batteries not accepting the higher rate since you charged from AC.

This gives the impression that before the incident solar was inadequate. (Which can lead to internal imbalance in the batteries).

It's odd that before the incident, max charge rate was so low. It's as if there's a faulty panel/connection. And as if the incident was caused by an additional problem with solar generation. If you can, suggest you check each panel's output with a clamp meter. Guessing you have panel faults. And until the problem is resolved, charge on shore power, giving plenty of time at 100% to allow the batteries to rebalance.

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Related Resources

MPPT product page

VictronConnect manual


MPPT calculator

MPPT codes

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