I've a 3 phase Setup with MP2 5000 (PMP482505010).
The Serial Numbers start with:
1.) HQ2212 -> Affected Serial Number for 40khz PWM Module
2.) HQ2245 -> Not affected
3.) HQ2245 -> Not affected
1.) This one was noisy before installing 40khz Module. Running perfectly fine now.
2.) Was not affected and running perfectly fine since startup.
3.) This one is not affected, however has exactly the same noise than first one before installing Module.
So i thought, maybe it is an affected one, even it is not on the list and organized a second 40khz Module and installed it. However, after install, as soon as the fan should start at slowest speed, it immediately goes to full speed and always stays there. Seems like RPM Control get's disabled.
Is it possible that there is some setting wrong causing low PWM Frequency, or different firmware needed or maybe even this unit is defective?