
nvs avatar image
nvs asked

Control MultiPlus 1200/50 with bluetooth & ControlPanel in the same time

Hello, there's only one rj45 slot on the MultiPLus 1200 12/50 but I would like to control the MultiPlus with the app Victron Connect and the Multi panel using a double rj45 connector ?

It's possible ?

Thank you .1686896561666.jpeg

Multiplus-IIVictronConnectmultiplus ve.busDigital Multi Control
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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @NVs ,

It is not possible for the DMC and the ve.bus smart dongle to control the multi at the same time.

See here in the documentation -


The adapter you show can be used to connect both, but when DMC is connected only data is available via Bluetooth, not the control function.

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nvs avatar image
nvs answered ·

Thank you Guy for the fast reply.

Reading data only with the app it's ok for this build.

Btw : there's an option in the Multiplus settings (with the mk3) that let me to disable the priority of the Digital Multi Control of the shore power limit. If I toggle this off, then I'm able to change the limit from the app ?

Many thanks again.

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Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

That feature applies to both, the DMC and VE.Bus Smart Bluetooth dongle are considered 'remotes'.

If both DMC and Bluetooth dongle is connected, DMC will override.

If Remote setting is disabled for the Multi, then both will be disabled.


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