
mikegg avatar image
mikegg asked

Victron Multiplus 12/800/35 is cutting off saying low voltage at 12.8v...

Victron Multiplus 12/800/35 is cutting off saying low voltage at 12.8v, despite me using the VE connect software to set it to 12v cut off (as a test, to make see why it was cutting out too early).

I'd previously had it set high for a cut-off, but as it was cutting out early, I lowered this setting to 12v... And set the restart as 12.1v, 12.6v and 13v as tests, it just won't come back on (inverter). I tried turning it off for several mins, no joy.

Also, I checked again that the settings were saved, they were. I've used a multimeter to test batteries, they are at 12.7v and yet the inverter is cut out. Now, overnight the batteries MAY have gone lower, not sure, but they are passed the restart voltage and yet turning off and on again won't bring the inverter back on...

Just the red flashing light and low battery alert in VE connect. Any ideas?

Multiplus-IIVictronConnectmultiplus ve.bus
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Are you just switching the inverter on, or testing under load?

Is the inverter reading the correct voltage at its terminals?

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